Aesop Claremont
City: Perth, AUSStage Involved: CS, DD, CA
Year/ Status: 2017, Completed
Year/ Status: 2017, Completed
Accent Material: Plywood
Client: Aesop
Project Management: Timothy Mather
Photo Credits: Aesop
The design wishes to evoke a strong sense of character, defined by bold geometric shapes and a fractal sculpture that cascades from the ceiling. Crafted from plywood and assembled using multiple skeleton pieces, its faceted planes express a liveliness, creating an animated, dynamic space.
In complement to the plywood’s warm tones, powder-coated metal covers the surface of the consultation area and point-of-sale. The angular form of the bench echoes the forms of the sculpture, while a full-length mirror cladding the entire left wall amplifies the sense of space.